Silage Wrap Recycling
We are proud to have been involved with Plasback since the scheme started in New Zealand in 2007. This scheme is accredited Product Stewardship Scheme through the Ministry of the Environment.
We can recycle Bale wrap & silage covers, Polypropylene Bags, HDPE Drums recycling and recovery (through the ECOLAB and Agpro ranges of drums Collection can be arranged easily and we collect from ON FARM (Please see the brochure for more details
We can sell you recycled plastic alternatives such as Tuff board, Tuff deck, Plaswood, Ecosheet.

Plasback Recycled Products Brochure

Plasback Do's and Dont's

What do farmers have to do?
It’s easy, simply place their waste plastics into the Bin straight away! Then, once the liner is full, contact Slattery Contracting or Plasback.
This simple action of placing the waste materials in the Bin as soon as possible after feed out keeps the plastic much cleaner and this means recyclers are better able to use the plastic. It also helps to keep your farm tidy and there is less risk of the plastic polluting the countryside.
How does the Bin and Liner system work?
The Bin is designed to hold a heavy duty liner and allows farmers to pack the most plastic into each liner. The Bin has a horizontally sliding lid to keep out rain and to keep the plastic secure in the liner. When the liner is full you simply take off the lid, tie the liner off, undo the two latches at the front and remove the filled liner.
Why can’t you pick up loose plastic?
Apart from the contamination issue, loose plastic is difficult to collect. It is hard to judge how much material is lying in a pile and it is not easy to agree a price for collecting a random pile of material without having to go to the expense of weighing the collection vehicle after each pickup. It is also complicated to plan collections, as the collector does not know how much material to expect at each pick up point. The liner serves as a unit both for planning purposes and for making a fair charge to everyone.
Isn’t there always some mud or water on the bale wrap?
Yes and that’s fine. We accept there will always be some dirt. We are trying to stop the excessive contamination that happens after the bale has been fed out. In particular heavy objects are often thrown on the piles of plastic to stop them blowing around and these types of objects cause serious damage to recycling machines.
Can I use a wool fadge or another type of bag?
No. This is because the whole of the liner and its contents are recyclable together. This means there is no further sorting to be done when the filled liner gets to the recycling plant. Also by having the same type of filled liner everyone is using the same standard “unit”. This means when we are organising collections in each local area we will know exactly what volume is available at each farm. Everyone will be paying the same uplift fee based on each liner regardless of the type of plastic or the amount in each liner
Do I have to buy a Bin?
No, but you must use the liner. If you want to make your own holder that’s fine, but the recycling Bin has been specially designed to allow you to get the maximum amount of plastic into each liner. It has been designed by farmers for farmers. As you pay a fixed fee for each liner regardless of how much is in the liner, the more plastic you get in the liner the better. The Bin has also been designed to allow you easy access to the filled liner so you can get the heavy liner out ready for collection.
How much plastic do I get in the liner?
This depends on how much care you take in filling the liner and whether or not you chose to use a Bin. You should aim to get around 150 used wraps into each liner but you will need to roll up the wraps before putting them in the Bin. If you only use a liner you will not get quite as many wraps in.
What are the Bins made from?
The Bins are made from recycled farm baleage wrap so we can close the recycling loop. Recycling is essentially reusing materials into other products—this is when the recycling process is complete (closed loop). The Bin is made from a single flexible sheet folded to make a circle, in plastic is strong enough to withstand the New Zealand conditions.
Can I put other farm plastics in the Bin?
Yes you can- however you need a separate liner per waste stream. This system also allows you to segregate plastics at source which again helps the recycling process. You can mix your baleage wraps with silage pit covers, smooth plastic feed bags, and plastic packaging that comes on farms. If you take your silage pit cover off in strips then put the strips into the liner. If you fold the cover off the pit in one, and you want to dispose of it, then simply fold the cover into a parcel and leave it by the Bin ready for collection. There will be a $50 + gst charge to uplift this parcel.
If you have half tonne or one tonne feed or fertiliser bags these should be kept separate from the other plastics as they are a different plastic.
What about the net wrap?
We do not take net wrap. It is important that you do not mix baler twine or net wrap with the baleage wrap as they are different plastics. Please separate the net wrap from the baleage wrap before putting only the baleage wrap in the Bin.
When my liner is full what do I have to do next?
Contact Plasback and they will organise everything! Free Phone 0508 338 240 or Slattery Contracting Ltd on 07 888 8647.
How do I know which types of plastic can be mixed together?
Check out the information on the Plasback website or ask us to send out an information pack.
Do I have to take my liners off the farm to a collection point?
No. This is an on farm collection service.
What will happen if a farmer puts unsuitable or unwanted materials mixed in with the plastic?
They will be charged for the full cost of disposal including any remediation costs. We will be unable to collect from them again and they will have to make alternative arrangements for the collection of their plastic.
Where do I have to leave my filled liners on the farm?
You should leave your liners at the farm yard with easy access for a lorry. This should be a hard standing area clear of overhanging trees and cables. Please do not stack liners too close to a building.
How much does all this cost?
The setup costs are as follows:
The Bin is priced at $759 plus GST including delivery. Each new liner is $28.50 plus GST.
After that you only pay $50 plus GST for the collection of each liner.
Is there a membership fee to join the collection service?
No. This is a simple “pay as you go” service.
Do I have to buy my bale wrap plastic from Agpac?
No. This service is available to any farmer.
Can I continue to burn or bury my plastic on farm?
The practice of burning and burying waste plastics on farm is not good for the environment and is not best farming practice. Many farmers continue to do this because there has been no alternative. However global supply chains are demanding increased emphasis on greener production methods and these include environmental issues such as waste disposal. Some regional and local councils already have clean air legislations which prohibit the burning of plastic and more are likely to introduce bans in the near future. The more farmers who support the collection scheme the cheaper and more widespread it will become.